Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       You need to install PHP and MySQL 5.6 on server

Question: Hello, could you install on my server version of PHP and MySQL *.*


in order to upgrade to MySql you`ll need to reinstall the server and panel governance.

Question: okay, please do and you can put the isp* * version?

this will take time, and complete the transfer.

Question: well, you can carry, we`ll wait
Question: approximately how long will it take?

will Try today, but might still need time tomorrow.

Question: well

please Wait.

Question: Hello, please pagluica we still have the Apache web server version *.*

Hello. the request is sent to the administrator.


you ustavlena



Question: we have in the control panel, specified web server is apache*-*.*.**-**+****

Where do you see it?

Question: In the left menu, server Settings -> Features

pokajet in the screenshot

we see

# httpd-v
Server version: Apache/*.*.* (CentOS)
Server built: Oct ** **** **:**:**

what server are you looking at?

Question: and we also need PhpMyAdmin * version

the version of phpmyadmin is available with the panel and does not change.

Question: The admin control panel: ***.***.***.**:**** log: *: ***

incorrect data

you have a panel  **.***.***.***:****


Question: well, thank you, but we didn`t have this reper problem with the binding domain, it is in directory/*.*/domain *.*but when entering the address page is shown *

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: D:\\Users\\calypso>tracert super-viktorina-test.Gerasimovka route to super-viktorina-test.ru [***.***.***.**]the maximum number of jumps **: * <* MS <* MS <* MS ***.***.**.* * * * * Timed out for the request. * * * * Timed out for the request. * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.***.*** * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.***.** * *** ms ** ms ** ms asta-core-l*-*.online.kz [**.**.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.**.***.** * *** ms *** ms ** ms **.**.***.*** * *** ms *** ms *** ms ae**.frkt-cr*.intl.ip.rostelecom.ru [***.***.**.**] ** *** ms *** ms *** ms gw-rostelecom.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] ** *** ms *** ms *** ms core*.fra.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] ** *** ms *** ms *** ms core**.fsn*.hetzner.com [***.***.***.**] ** *** ms *** ms *** ms*k*.dc*.fsn*.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] ** *** ms *** ms *** ms static.158.***.***.***.clients.your-server.de [***.***.***.***] ** *** ms *** ms *** ms static.30.***.***.***.clients.your-server.de [***.***.***.**]Trace complete.D:\\Users\\calypso>^*
Question: apparently tied to the old ip

now we will change ip

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