Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       The test period for VPS.

Question: Hello.Please provide me with a test VPS on period * of the day.


Check amps. for what purpose you want VPS?

Question: websites and electronic mail, remote computer

For sites Windows VPS is not quite designed, it requires a Linux VPS.

Question: need is a windows*vps
Question: You give me the test period?

Check amps. what kind of sites You like to transfer?

Question: want to test your own script shop sales

it is Not clear why, to test the new website which is only in development, requires VPS this configuration.

Question: If I like your service I will pay and I will use such configuration I need to sell/rent ready Assembly of game servers!

check amps. domain for Your project?

Question: temporary domain http://****.*/

the site is now hosting with this domain?

Question: no

currently the limit is exhausted the test server, tomorrow we will be able to provide You a test server.

Question: Hello, today you give me the server?

sdravstvuyte. For what purpose required server?

Question: yesterday I have already described for what purposes I need a test server, such a configuration I need to sell/rent ready Assembly of game servers!

now Yong modem to provide You with this server configuration

Question: and what can?

now, there are no available in the server!, sorry

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