Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: E*mail is not restored. Why You unsubscribe. Help to solve the issue. Read the story appeals. You have already helped me. Now, it`s probably just laziness. site. **I tried through cPanel - I can not understand where is the file with the admin password ((((

I`d like to know.

Amps. no need to create two of the same ticket.

Question: Oleg, I have more time appeared to deal with the entrance to the admin... Help... does not accept the password and wants to restore it via e*mail linked to the account. How do I reconstruct the password for the admin. Thank you.

What is your CMS?

Question: *


here is described how you can do it through the database

Question: I don`t understand it
Question: Can`t find in Cpanel table DBPREFIX_user as written in the recommendations on Your link ((((

you need to login to phpmyadmin via cpanel.

Question: Thanks, I went - https://*.********************And what I need to do?

change the password as opciono here


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