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<< Previous       Morning. We need 4 active connect to the server instead of 2 predstavlennyh

Question: Morning. We need * active connection to the server instead of *-x predostavlenii


Hello. we do not provide the hear we provided You with vps server with windows server **** and full right administrirovanie servers. Please clarify,  about  what hear is it?


Question: client RDP connection

the request sent to the administrator.

Question: we do still check maybe the default should just * codeinone

by default, you have windows server **** with all its defaults. on the extension of the functionality of windows your issue is dealt with by the administrator. please wait

Question: we somehow failed to set policy remote access for more *-x polzovateley. Also portforwarding printers also nazarabad. Server **** very tricky.

Cahokia utochnyat you had a server ?

Question: Windows ****

How do you set up the policy number of connections?

Question: My programmer something tortured through the service *Host*something had not happened

please Wait, your issue is being dealt with.

Question: Thank you

what kind of error he got?

Question: To make a mistake* was not. just can`t more *persons to reconnecting RDP to the server and portforwarding is not working printers

what licenses you had the opportunity to connect more *x workers stroly?

Question: The problem seems to have worked out. Thank you.


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