Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello. My customer has lost the hosting renewal - I while he is going to replenish the balance, made in your functionality of a delay of payment on * days. When I was all confirmed to be there on the page slipped phrase that the delay had already been filed previously. I can not understand - now *-day delay, which I`ve done, not started to work yet? The site also now does not work. What do I do?

the postponement is approved and is already working

Question: OK. And the website address will redirected http://***.*.* What`s that?

please Wait.


What kind of domain you have located your account?

Question: ****.*

the domain registration Period has expired. You need to renew it.

Question: Damn it, I warned the customer that it terms of fit. But if the main domain ****.* replace ***.* ? It`s possible that I will need to do? This is a question - nothing to do - the customer has to think

What is your CMS? Domain replace is possible. But if you have WordPress then you will need to change all records with the old domain name to the new one.

Question: Jumla. I remember you already changed the domain. The customer will give me the go-ahead to pay the bill or change the main domain - I will write to you.


Question: Thank you for understanding. The customer domain ****.* not needed, so replace the CH domain ****.* ***.*. I need something to do?

you need to remove the domain profcenter**.EN from the panel that it could make the main domain

just do not forget that the folder of the main domain - public_html

Question: OK. A copy of the site to do?

if you have a website in another folder it will no longer work

Question: I panel can`t login, not let me
Question: give me time at least a file structure of the website save - FTP is also down there don`t work

extended delay, unblocked.

Question: A copy of the file system ***.* did domain ***.* in the section domains. removed. You can change CH domain

the Primary domain changed.

Question: OK. Thank you. Now the root of the site ***.* in the folder public_html?

yeah, right.

Question: All done. Thanks for the help. Everything works.




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