Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello. Site: *.*.*Installed a module https://*.*adminka*needs to set *https://*.*.*.php*http://*.**/********/*******************************/Screen of the instructions on the FAQ page modulebase install to work correctly


the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


ioncube is
please Check now.

Question: Write error ***
Question: Page nedostupnost *.*.* still can not process that request.HTTP* ***
Question: This error only while clicking on the module

as you downloaded sifrovany script? scripts sifrovanie by ioncube are considered binary files and must be uploaded only in binary mode

Question: Filled in by * the instructions to the module
Question: Installation and configuration Copy the contents of one of the archive folders (depending on version Opencart/ocStore) in the root of Your website.For versions *.x.x.x --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to go to Modules -> Modifications and click the Update button Then System->Users->user Groups put the rights to: batch_editor/data batch_editor/index batch_editor/setting batch_editor/template batch_editor/tool Module available in the admin menu -> Directory -> *
Question: http://*.*.*.php/

use binary mode to correct transmission sifrovany files

Question: Did. the result is the same
Question: In тестеhttp://*.*.*.php/Writes. that version is not suitable

supra sent to the administrator.


Verify  if your script checks the version ? server is not ver. *.*.* and much higher   v**.*.*


with the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from ioncube**.com (unconfigured) v**.*.*

This is one of the most recent stable version release date ****-**-**

the script checks nekorekte. maybe he doesn`t even know about the existence of the longer versions **. specify  developer




Question: Everything works.
Question: stopped working the module export/import. When you import issues ошибкуhttps://*.*


You have made any changes to the site, new modules, plugins, etc.?

Question: Set *. Module. After that, your technical support has configured https://*.*.*.php module to work, but stopped working module * + we have found that when you try to install the module writes - *

please Check the rights for folders and files.
the Law must be just *** files *** folders. Law *** is prohibited and does not require
In the file .htaccess should not be of type php settings php_value, php_flag. php is running as cgi and make these customizations in the php files.ini .
Error You can see in the control panel, the error Log

Question: file .* not changed. This does not apply at all to the problem. The problem arose after setting https://*.*.*.php

the ioncube loader is not configured.

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