Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please provide me the test period VPS for a few days.I need it for the following zelana it will be a website . Link - *.*.* You can see for yourself what is it that is there. Only there`s not all that worth it really, there is only a small part. (From files) For now the site is not working, I turned it off a week or two ago, and went to wander in search of a normal VPS hosting. I installed it on free hosting, to show that the site is, but they still don`t get used. The average online was ****-****, Record ****. Of course, to stay on hosting is very stupid, so I began to look for a VPS. There are a lot of PHP scripts that synchronize with Kron job( some every minute, some once a day, and each second).I hope to further sotrudnichestvom I was looking for the right host, I needed rate * cores to the server load was not high, and he pulled. All prices I saw were around *-* thousand rubles. You, I saw the ** of the dollar. (Vps*) Is very small. So I decided that I would take you, because and the rate powerful, and obscenely cheap price. But once cheap, there may be a risk that is not entirely fair instrument, fraud in the performance of nuclei. Therefore, in order not to catch a cat in a bag, I ask a test period, * - * days.




you are planning to install on the server other than the website?


Question: Yes, Java program. http://*.*.*/ Most of the scripts from the site, transmit data, and it`s already working. I have the same theme on every API the buns to a social network \"Vkontakte\".

the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.


spam bots VK as well?

Question: No, you do not understand. This is not spam bots that are looking for people who write them, cheat and so on. Each person can set different buns to the server that bradeley online to be in OnlineUser - All users that signed up, will share linamientos status is updated every minutifolia ( to Accept incoming requests, to unsubscribe, it`s all done through *.*.*)And kugoeyskogo spam, newsletters, all sorts of fake \"You have won an iPhone *, pay shipping, write here\"
Question: Vkontakte API. A section on the website. You can put Autoresponder \"out of all the communities\" to \"unsubscribe from all\" \"delete all friends\" \"delete all photos\" \"to clean the wall of posts\" \"acceptance of applications to friends\" - what I need and what is in the *.*.*

utochnyat what will be testirovanie? we can`t allow the test period to send commercial spam messages . you can do zhto only to your contact account and email.

Question: I`ll put the website. The website will walk people. people will put themselves buns on the account, about which I wrote in two previous posts. These buns(functions) they put u in your account of VK. on the website they through it autorizovat do with your account what they want. All these buns work through PHP*WordPress) scripts. Most of these buns will work through the program *. The website is *.*.*. Click \"opportunities.\" Spam and mailing - not the main activity, why do I need this program, I wrote in two previous posts. Read again. Can create left a VK account, go to the site ( read again the first letter) and test that these \"buns\" are

Expect the amps. The VPS is configured.


Your VPS is created and configured, the email data sent to Your Inbox.

Question: Hello. If I where to reinstall the operating system. I Expected *, but seem to have chosen * randomly, forgot to change

Hello. why Ubuntu ? for mining?

Question: It is convenient. Okay, I will install the GUI so will do)

on ubuntu panel works unstable. phpmyadmin did not work at all in php*

you should have a panel vesta/ utochnit about what GUI is it?

Question: Oh, then let it be *. Thinking now to install * either *, and RDP to connect


For any of Celje? For the site, rdp is not needed. You said that you will be



Question: Oh, okay then, let Penny be) Well, I think * install and Rdp*XRDP) to connect

you said that the server will have a website, what does the website has RDP ?

Question: I have problems installing *.*.* .I think in GUI it will be much easier to solve the problem

what do You want to decide on a linux server via GUI???

Question: You have so many exclamation marks, weird I must take :*. I Ubuntu (or Debian and Fedora) dearer, with teams of Cent OS is still not understood. Okay, I tried it, you can have the server look for three of the above). Good luck

no, you`re not crazy, just going to do on the server is not what I said at the start, admit it. if you need to hustwaite website, you have provided the server polnotu ready to work with the sites, including the installed one control panel. need to download the EW website.

Question: I can install it, but I had to install another Java program. And then I have got problems, errors, some commands there, like *. I googled, searched, but there was a new problem and I thought \"Oh nafig)\"
Question: *.* . I think it is a good replacement, install this Software instead of the previous one, you don`t mind?

you already ostwalt server panel

username: admin
password: myhzXzcxPy

zaidie bar

create new user

Pieridae bar. add web domain

upload the site to the site folder via ftp

create a database, import it in a database dump of your site


Question: You don`t quite understand what I need, rather it is I`m explaining this badly. The website I uploaded, but I need to establish a connection between it and the Java program. Packets with site flying into a text document in the same directory, the program from this directory takes the data. Sorry for the anxiety, it would be better if I order Ubuntu/Phaedra/Debian or Windows server

for java, You must hustwaite java  server, no default

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