Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: please activate PHP *
Question: PHP *.*.**
Question: how to make a key instead of *.*.** (*PHP *.*.**


you ostvarena

change the php version to the www domain the apartments in the domain properties

Question: I have a domain as such... use the IP of hosting... how to be needed *
Question: he`s made... vpros removed

you have the user fades

he has a www domain fades.pro

website files in it?

Question: domain not really Cobden

it doesn`t matter. you own a website in which folder to place it? you do not Moggi to place \"anywhere\" you placed in the www directory of the domain, which before it was created in the panel. here the properties of the www domain you can choose any version of php

Question: Yes it
Question: okay thanks.. but I already izmenil settings * default

also, if you are logging in as root

the menu php bar you model to change the parameters of the desired version of php, and control modules

Question: Yes I did


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