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Question: Good day., domain *.* caught some kind of virus and shows porn. What is the last date backups ?




utochnyat when there was a break-in?

you already few easy times was spam.

first pax **-**-****




utochnyat when there was a break-in?

Question: I can`t say that today drew customers and said that the site is hacked. Probably *-* the day hacked, maybe less.

we scan Your website for viruses

Question: Thanks for waiting.
Question: Hello again, when prepare to wait for the result ? the website just is not the case..

you have deleted the folder of the site?

Question: no it is renamed in *.**
Question: Otherwise people came kotoyre redirected to porn sites
Question: Otherwise people came kotoyre redirected to porn sites

in a folder portepiano.md*/AI-BOLIT-REPORT-__-******-**-**-****_**-**.html report

Question: thank you - I see - I need you to rollback to earlier backup. for which dates have ?

we restored


Question: I didn`t ask to restore. I have CLEARLY set the task to name the date of the last backup. And he`d already picked a date and would save the necessary files of the website. You have now deleted all photos of the goods which were loaded, while leaving the actual database. And now on the website half of the last items without photos.Put your last folder * which was early in the morning today, where all the photos are.

we did not delete and was not able to delete anything, because the site folder at all possible you renamed it, there is now a folder from backup. we have one backup. all your pictures remained in pereimenovaniya folder. Just operability in ostvarenog a folder with photos.

date and one edinstvennaia , choose  You can`t.

what kind Of \"remote\"  photos can be discussed personally if You renamed the folder of the website thereby fully removing the content


Question: Why can`t I delete anything through file Manager ? writes *

please specify a question. what exactly You can`t remove?

Question: even just a folder cannot delete

Check the rights on the folder.

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