Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Good afternoon the site does not work

Question: Good afternoon again the site works, please see...

please Check now.

Question: Yes thank you earned. Tell me why the last backup of the site from **.**.**** while in the settings of copy once a week provided.

the menu returnee copies we see another date


Question: I see this admin-**-****-**-** **.*** ****-**-** **:**I looked in the Backup, where it could not watch it, please write where to look

in the control panel menu - backup

Question: Now not working again, let`s see

please Wait.

Question: Good afternoon and sort it out soon

the Request is sent to the administrator.


Ask what has changed on the website. You have a very high nagoski on the server

Question: Nothing changed in the last three days, did before adaptation to the mob. devices, and that means a large load on the server, we now have a maximum of **, ** visitors per day.

Bots count? You have recently been hacked the sites and were the process of mining. Now the processes we cannot see but can poverity sites on viruses

Question: a week ago the site is fully cleaned up and closed the gaps,

Your problem is dealt with, wait for amp.

Question: again, what happens
Question: I want to again about backups to learn Here you open the backup and I see that the latest copy of the ** **, ** ** I do not see.
Question: how to send a screenshot, it clearly shows that the last copy was made ** **.

utanet as you open? Where?

Question: Go to https://***.***.***.**:****/ispmgr then open the backup

you do not have enough space to create backup. backup is created on the remote server through yours, and you have no place

Question: Now gives website *** error when earn site
Question: well, as me have a copy, I would like to download and store

you have a very high load now servere

a lot of bots.

***.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=soldiers-of-anarchy-* HTTP/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; AhrefsBot/*.*; +http://ahrefs.com/robot/)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /nikita*/sanatorii HTTP/*.*\" *** ***** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=tema-dlya-nokia-c* HTTP/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=dvd oblojku-k-filmu HTTP/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
***.*.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=shemu-podklycheniya-kompressora-holodilnika HTTP/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexBot/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /nikita*/sanatorii HTTP/*.*\" *** ***** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=igra-zombi-protiv-rasteniy-*-na-kompyter HTTP/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=explorer-dlya-windows-vista HTTP/*.*\" *** *** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=mod-dlya-gotiki-* HTTP/*.*\" *** *** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /?jyj=mod-dlya-gotiki-* HTTP/*.*\" *** *** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; SemrushBot/*.*~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)\"

you need to set up robots.txt

Question: What kind of bots where they come from, and how to protect them

this is episcopia booty, nadroga robots.tx .htaccess to reject such bots

Question: well, soon I will ask the programmer to do it. Left two questions as download a copy from **.** and when will work the website

you have probably got in Ineks many previously infected pages and the bots are very active on your website

Question: If we set *.* and .* it will pass
Question: If we set *.* and. * it will pass


we have now blocked the ip of bots visiting You  before, should temporarily work


now you just rushing Yandex

for Yandex there are special guidelines manual on their website.

**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnails/**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/DSC****.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/***/thumbnails/**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/AHT*KO.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/*-*.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/***/thumbnails/**-**-***-***-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnails/****-**-****-**-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/***/thumbnail/*c*f*e*db*cd***********a**fd**c*.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnails/****-**-****-**-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnail/*****.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/********.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/*****/**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/*c***e****.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/********.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.*.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/IMG**************.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnail/***hotelGorizontAlushta****.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.**.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /media/nextend/cache/js/n**********/******fe**f**ac*be*******e******.js HTTP/*.* \" *** *** \"http://conerunt.ru/component/zoo/otel-shale-na-berezovoy?Itemid=***\" \"Opera/*.* (compatible; Googlebot/*.*; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)\"
**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnails/****-**-****-**-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/thumbnail/***big.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
*.**.***.* - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/****-**-****-**-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.*.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/****-**-****-**-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexBot/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
**.***.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /images/com_droppics/****/****-**-***-**-**.jpg HTTP/*.*\" *** * \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexImages/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"


Question: rushing Yandex is so bad, or just with Yandex bots appeared, under the sanction we will not fall.

a lot of requests from this bot. sanctions have nothing to do with server in Germany

Question: what kind of bot it is how it affects the website,

is a search bot. indexes the content of your site

Question: you also cut off
Question: where to download a copy of the site **.** may link skins. write to or where to do it.

you have a copy there.

Question: and he wrote what is, how to create fresh copy.

the menu backup capirona start creating a backup

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