Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello!I`m wildly sorry, but the server, in my opinion, somehow not so works... Saytik long open, if not opened, through time produces: *** *.What would it be? Server I a couple of times to reboot, not very helpful...


You have made changes on the site?

Question: No

you Have a very big load on the server. Have you changed the number of visits?

Question: Statistics show that on the contrary, the visits became less, because the page is \"tight\" is displayed. The only thing that... So yesterday wordpress to a new version have updated. And you can somehow find out what`s so busy?

the Problem appeared after the update? Wow when was that? Pages are opening slowly because of high load

Question: Updated yesterday and noticed in the morning. But yesterday, like, still everything was fine.

Your question do expect the amps.


you have a very high activity of search engine bots. rekomenduemyj robots.txt

Question: Hello!Sorry, yesterday I had to leave.Well, * I the mood, but it`s certainly not bots?Maybe we can isolate what exactly is loading a server?I`m just in such cases... not really..

it is owned in boots. after ip blocking bots load fell sharply.

Question: And you arranged it this lock? I`m just also a file * concocted.As the lock continues to operate? And then... the Brakes\" still have a place to be.In addition, the server (the website) apparently got hacked. When opening some pages some torrents porn titties open, Java-scripts, some with Ukrainian domain:http://****.*.*/****/****/**/***************************.*I`ll try to understand, but the experience I have is not enough.

we brokerwahl ip bots

Question: And really now the load is less than shows?Just a website now does not open, it shows a cached page *.* *** *: *************** • ****-**-** **:**:** *

it is now rebooted*

Question: YES!

why? it`s a linux server, not worth it just to reboot linux is not windows

Question: Well... It`s not really just... I wrote that my website does not open and rebooting is the only thing that I can do in the limits of its competence.Now the pages open,but with very high latency.

you are now in correspondence with tech support. on the server, including the administrator, the tickets say to you  quickly. reboot you will substantial to completely crash the server.

Question: I`m sorry, I didn`t know! That is the work underway? I just thought that with blocking bots by IP, you decided that the problem is solved.

now the burden fell

Question: Maybe, but the problem still remains!* *** or *** (*)

bots are still going.

we block

Question: Kind of creepy from your words became... As presented...what kind of bots?And what to do now? Wait?

search engine.

all the garbage bots we banned.

but you still have google yandex bing

they climb here on the quick start page

**.**.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /HTTP wVShqtzzZFnerIN/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; bingbot/*.*; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)\"

***.*.***.** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /cHplauqXbiPYEd+ HTTP/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexBot/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"
***.***.***.* - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"GET /HTTP dGDUGFnNxHIqfCHF/*.*\" *** **** \"-\" \"Mozilla/*.* (compatible; YandexBot/*.*; +http://yandex.com/bots)\"


Question: Sorry, maybe I overdid it in the view himself a layman, but it`s clearly not bots.It was already something that wordpress was very slow and I when it is not optimized (and even on the new tariff went)... And then You received a letter from that IP need to be rewritten, that is, you`ve got me on a new server transferred (as with the old one You have had problems, as I understand it) - and then everything flew.So can You have again server problems? You moved me again to another VPS, and then... well, actually, loss.

problems with the server. on the server in addition to your MZ there are llheubt vps/ they have no load.

Question: Well. Thanks for the support!

please proverit now, was it better?

Question: Maybe pages open at least, but still very slow.In the site of some miner introduced.https://*.*/How, I wonder.

we told you that probably prisustvuju viruses. can protocanonical website

where you find  \"coin-have.com\" ?

Question: I will be grateful if you would indicate where you were talking about viruses. I something do not remember.But I pointed out to You that when you open certain pages are loaded left scripts and begin skachivaetsya pahabnoe torrents, and you did not respond, and continued to talk about bots.----------------------There is a plugin for Fox, it shows third party services associated the website visited, so from my site are https://*.*http://*.*.*.*/ and still some left in the area .*

in addition to these you have connections to third party sites?

Question: Seems to be no, unless you count scripts and Analytics * sites.

please Wait.

Question: well

don`t overload the server. scan reports of the sites will be located in the folder /var/www/konan***/data/www/

Question: Hello!Thank you!And I can access in the ISP panel as *? Where can I get the password?

data sent to your mail

Question: Thank you!


Question: And again Hello!I`m very sorry, but where in the panel is the \"Database\"? I`ve looked everywhere..

block menu - tools - database

Question: Now nothing has been rebooted a long time... Actually, the brakes are very strong still, thought database to verify that there were such an item... But I`m such a partition is not found.

you are logged in as a user or administrator?

Question: Damn, I answered the question from the first page... I`m different here, but the result is the same. The reason I learned in Google:http://*.*.*ispmanager*https://*.*.*hosting*vps*ispmanager*Armpatent you can correct the situation by following the above instructions? And I am afraid that I something not done


Question: Appeared! And it really was not. Thank you!


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