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Question: Hello!I need to customize *** redirect.The site`s main address *.*.*so,redirect :http://*.* http://*.*.ruhttp://*.*.*tok.* http://*.*.*tokarnye*http://*.*.*.* http://*.*.*maphttp://*.*.*.* http://*.*.*http://*.*.*.* http://*.*.*http://*.*.*.* http://*.*.*metallokonstrukcij*http://*.*.*.* http://*.*.*http://*.*.*.* http://*.*.*pokraska*http://*.*.*.html at http://*.*.ruhttp://http://*.*.*/ http://*.*.ruhttp://http://*.*.*.php on http://*.*.*Thank You!

if it will take our full-time webmaster, it will be additional charge

Question: Hello!How much will it cost?


You can set up a redirect in Your cPanel section \"Perenapravlenie\", try it.

Question: Honestly, I don`t understand how to do it. Here`s an example I need to redirect from the domain * domain * what to do? Then I`ll handle similarly

You need to file .htaccess to register a redirect rule. A rule can be viewed in Google to substitute your domain name.

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