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install Your certificate, but it requires periyachi:

One of the certificates is signed with a SHA* signature. We recommend that you reissue or replace this certificate with one that uses a SHA-* signature. Contact your SSL provider about how to do this. Read more about the SHA-* deprecation here.

Therefore, we have created You certificte < / span>Let`s Encrypt, which is already installed and running.

Question: Hello!Prompt, something went wrong.... after I switched to https://*.*/ , the site began to look clumsy....tried to change versions of php did not help ... what you need to do to make your site display correctly*?Thanks.
Question: Hello!Prompt, something went wrong.... after I switched to https://*.*/ , the site began to look clumsy....tried to change versions of php did not help ... what you need to do to make your site display correctly*?Thanks.
Question: Hello!Prompt, something went wrong.... after I switched to https://*.*/ , the site began to look clumsy....tried to change versions of php did not help ... what you need to do to make your site display correctly*?Thanks.

Hello. what engine website?

Question: joomla *.* and I understand that the engine is now obsolete and slavebase... but while he works on it until we have updated the website to the new version

what did you change on the site?

Question: on the website I just put in the config.... but it didn`t help... *https://*.*`;and put it in .* the line that previously forced redirecting with `https:// `http://и tried to put different versions of php

php does not imeyutsya to ssl ? you menaldi in structure the actual website?

Question: in the structure of nothing...
Question: changed the access to the admin area... username * password boss

the admin also should not affect. the post what changes has the problem?

Question: after I read this morning the message that You installed the certificate.... I went to the admin panel to put a tick in the *use ssl for the entire site... an error occurred, as was zabolevanie... then I removed the redirect from https://сменил access administrator folder ... and that`s all ... saw the problem, tried to change php/// did not help...write to you...If nothing helps, on the website recently nothing has been done, you can try to roll back to a backup lately

the certificate may not affect the operation of the site. the certificate only gives you the opportunity to work over https  and nothing more

you still have the original .htaccess ?

Vosstanie available to You on the menu - Backup

other variants restore process

Question: now put the old .*

disable redirect to https.

Question: now all disabled... the site is available both https:// and http://
Question: now all disabled... the site is available both https:// and http://

then this error pattern. utochnyat what changes in the site template, you do

Question: yesterday the site was still working ... over the past week * with the site were not conducted, nikakih works
Question: here it seems to me that due to the fact that sbrosilsya the cache... somewhere comes the binding to the configuration file template...I`ll try to see the problem, if anything, and try to get a backup.... but still wanted to solve the problem, not rollback the website
Question: Please, yet do nothing with the site.... I will try with the template to futz a bit... I think there is a problem in the settings
Question: Please, yet do nothing with the site.... I will try with the template to futz a bit... I think there is a problem in the settings

these are kisirwani?

Question: yeah.... and hike, the cache is dumped and the settings were in the temporary files

after cleaning the cache recovered?

Question: not really... but I`ve realized that it`s our fault that we had such a school... when ruled that the changes did not in the main twylah template settings and in the temporary cache... here occurred...the cache is reset, along with all settings


Question: The site I corrected ....thanks for the help... The only prompt... You issued ssl certificate... can I on a vps to do this? there I installed some *.... don`t know why, but maybe necessary?

Yes, of course You can do it yourself.

Log in to www domains, select the blast furnace and click on it two times, open the settings, then tick \"SSL\" and choose to get a new *****, save it, and after a while You will have to have a new certificate issued to it for months. but should problematise itself automatically.

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