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Question: Hello.Please tell me where I can put the allowed IP for FTP, since it is suspected that the sites were attacked. At the moment, found where you can ban certain IP, but I have to deny all except my. Also interested in the question of restoration of all sites at the time **th of this month, in cpanel not found such possibility.Thank you.

Hello. restrictions for ftp.


Inform what folders and what base you need vosstanovite, we will check the date of backup

Question: > \"restrictions for ftp no.\"Is it possible to allow only one IP to connect (**.***.***.***)? As practice shows, this is one of the best ways to protect against hacking of the site (the reason that actually appeal to You).> \"Let what folders and what base you need vosstanovit\"folder - *.*.* and public_htmlбазы - * *Thank you.

sites are rarely hacked via ftp/ whatever to hack the site via ftp or to steal the password from your computer or brothersit it. if the password you have normal difficulties that brute force is impossible because the intruder will immediately, zablokirovan by a firewall. for your computer we can answer Yon.  **% of break-ins are through a vulnerability on the site.

we can check the site on Virtsu and vulnerability scanner with ai-bolit

Question: Hello.> \"we can check the site for viruses and malware and vulnerability scanner *\"I would be very grateful, as on both sites when attempting to connect to the admin panel (*o*) get a window http://*.qip.*/*****-****/ which earlier nebylo, and it is clearly not a cms generated. For example here http://*.*.*administrator/Thank you.

sites proveraz


report AI-BOLIT-REPORT-__-******-**-**-****_**-**.html in the folder lucky.can-travel.info

Question: Zdravstvuyte can`t get into the admin panel of the joomla website, the reason is this window http://*.qip.*/*****-****/ , MB You recommend something? And then checked my computer for viruses, the website You checked, everything is clean. Maybe You took some action on the side of the hosting?Thank you.


log as admin

pas: boss


In the popup dialog box, specify the username and password is admin boss

Question: And tell pzhl, I`m here with this problem so much time swept, scanned the website, the computer on viruses, I sent a screenshot of this pop-up window and no one hardly needed to write on mail or in the ticket that introduced additional security measures???Week time left for a solution to a nonexistent problem...Such measures probably deserve the notice of Your customers?

sites on wp engine is a powerful attack aimed at password guessing
for security purposes, access to the admin area was closed the pop-up window. Is to protect your admin area from breaking bots.


this protection exists at hosting has * years, it is described on the page of our website , right on the main page


Question: Thanks for the info, but the fact that I put up two websites and worked with them for a few weeks until there is a window. After that I was looking for a reason for approximately a week.Well, okay, the main thing that understood.Thank you.

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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