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<< Previous       VPS with windows + office for Datacol parser

Question: Good denu I have in parallel other projects for which we need to parse other online stores. For parsing I use * * that is-that is installed on my computer, but plan to throw the license of becoming a VPS to parse around the clock. You know, hand the laptop that cannot, and resources it takes.Please specify whether You have the ability to customize the VPS*Windows* ****, or any other and install the package * and *We need roughly minimalno * - * GB * - * adrasteia

Hello. do you have a license for ms office ? we don`t predostavlyaem. and warez is also prohibited.

Question: well, in that case put Libre office, server, Windows support?

utochnyat Beth to be on the server? VK bot ?

Question: http://*.*/

sleepalthough this program does not entail any sanctions and complaints tne have anything against

Question: I think problems will not arise.And Windows* **** you install? There need a license?

We set Windows Server ****, with rates on a VPS, You can find:


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