Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       The test period for VPS.

Question: Hello.Please provide me with a test VPS on period * of the day.


Check amps. for what purpose you want VPS?

Question: to test your site on *-Bitrix
Question: do?

what is the test? Narrow.

Question: that are not satisfied with your current hosting, if satisfactory work want to move. tried you for a test not a vps, but the base is more *.*GB, your consultant suggested to try this

I understand You, wait for amp. the server is configured, it will take some time. As soon as the server  is ready, we will send access data to Your Inbox.

Question: thank you, waiting for

what domain is, Rasmussen on the server?

Question: you can create a test?

 we need real, the one where then will work.

Question: *.*.*

OK, we`ll configure the server for that domain will be able to test via the hosts

Question: and what test do you work to check?
Question: ok

at store-ds.com.ua propcia it in hosts/ ghcjj if you do on a test the entire server will have to alter realini

Question: *x words what it means and what to do next to test?

now we will configure the server and predostoit You access data. you will transfer a ready site or install from scratch?

Question: ready

then make a panel of the Bitrix backup and provide the link una. the website can be transferred by bekapa

Question: understood, can only in the evening, in the morning will provide

OK, we will set up the server and wait for data


the access data sent to your mail

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