Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon. my website shoditsya on your hostage. just yesterday, faced with such a problem. previously added and edited on the website alone. everything was normalno. our staff online store has added three and now the employee is temporarily working on editing and adding Contini and goods. the problem is in the next/. when both are working three employees on the edit product server I give error that server not available. tell me what do I do?CPU load ***%of physical memory **-** %


For such a whole You already need a VPS, where you can extend the limits on performance belts, connections, etc.


Question: what is the difference between Linux VPS, Windows VPS?
Question: I have Windows so I need to choose Windows?

Different operating systems. If you have a Windows computer do not have to and server was Windows. It all depends on for what purpose you take the server.

Question: All I just have online store of electronic components and modules for TVs. I need a hot to be able simultaneously * work place to add and edit the goods presented on this site.Which one to choose?How to shove on a VPS if I have a regular tarif Express... what is the procedure?

You just need to change the tariff plan on the VPS and we will move Your website to VPS server. Only one moment at the time of the transfer and DNS update, you cannot make updates on the website as they can stay on the old server.

to Change the rate You can in Your personal account. Windows VPS You need, it does not quite fit the site, and much more expensive.

You need a VPS* etc.

Question: OK. thanks for the help. after the new year before the new tariff.

Well, happy new year NG You :)

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