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Question: privetstvuju see it is possible to connect panel SSL certificate *tell me where to read how to do it ? thank you


for this you just need to change the rate


Question: no I`m talking about free certificates ))) http://*.*****

this is free certificates. we do not sell certificates Let`s Encrypt

Question: damn I asked it is possible to install on a normal rate ??? SSL-enabled hosting plans because they are not being used )) ? I asked about installation on normal rates

you can pass natref in the same price category nothing to lose

Question: at what rate ?

rate   *$

Question: there * sites /domains ))) and not ** gigs of space And don`t ** domains , and I asked the still - free SSL for that and not even need a dedicated ip )) mainly on the hosting for it and don`t take money and put their advantage - that there is support * for all domains in the account , I understand you have a tariff with SSL - but it was paid as I understand SSL ))) now you have put there - * ??? ie have reduced their consumption to zero over ssl ?? )) it`s all clear .... although support and writing support * normal tariff )) so I have used your hosting , especially until I found something better on servers in the US - may not really you were looking for ? )
Question: http://*.*
Question: I`m including are considering your hosting as the hosting for my clients in the US, of course on separate accounts you have )))) and therefore want more interesting conditions ))) or rather ordinary to *
Question: well, maybe with my partner interest ))) well, or without it - but with greater loyalty to such a ( for example) stuff , I again * but on normal rates


Let`s Encrypt is connected, wait for receiving of certificates.

Question: thank you very much

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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