Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please provide me with a test VPS on period * of the day.* Vps


Specify the purpose of testing and exactly how you will conduct the test.

Question: Put the server *. Interested In Windows*

you just want potentilloide?

Question: Yes

just for a test give it only if ETS the intention to buy a server

Question: well, to check if Assembly would work - buy
Question: I do not understand, I thought the purpose of the test is to test sborochku ( Yes, to understand whether it will even work and how it will work)

utochnyat what kind of Assembly is it?

Question: Server build * or servers.* - it`s almost a copy * and *. Build your own with swiii plugins ( need Windows for work ). Test it on your computer, but it`s not very comfortable, if you open the project

Your Assembly falls under licensing? complaints from the developers?

Question: No. Official *oxidemod.*). The Assembly will work on Licenziya ( trims). That is, to play you need to buy the game and not have a WAC trims for this game
Question: All plugins are working through * ( ie, go check )

For what purpose you are going to use the server with this Assembly?

Question: For the game users ( the server is meant as a sandbox ) ( i.e., the construction of \"beautiful\" buildings ) and * ( there is a spec. places )

What is the planned attendance?

Question: from ** to ** employees ( * * )

please Wait.

Question: I then hurried ordering a kvm. I would like to clarify what access is or how to join the server? Used to be a server from the bourgeoisie, duck there via the connection on the slave table came. And then what?

on windows this is the only connectivity option. only through Desk

Question: Understood. Thank you. How much time to expect for the installation?

we will notify You as soon as the free server we will send the access data. please wait


the access data sent to your mail

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