Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Where do I need to get the files ready site what would it appear and how to bind another domain, you need to register that he worked from your hosting?

website Files upload to the public_html folder.

add the domain as an extra in spanel.

Question: But something need to register? there And names or MX or *???
Question: And how do we make the website that you have a appear at the added domain?
Question: and why can`t FTP to go

To direct the domain to our server, change DNS from domain Registrar to our:


Refine as you enter FTP. What are the details?

Question: Those created automatically are not allowed on the file Zilla

Precise details.

Question: The FTP username: *.siteFTP server: ftp.*.*.uaFTP & explicit FTPS port: **
Question: And I am using panel to set up a redirect from one address to another


Details sent to [email protected]

what engine website?


Question: * *.*.*.*

add the second domain as an extra in the panel and make it a redirect

Question: A second domain in the main panel!

then make a redirect to it

Question: I can`t figure out what to potipiti to put in the folder of this site, an empty folder does not. Or maybe differently, tell me.
Question: Can I change domains sometimes? Additional should I major in?

additional*capacity can not make primary

basic can be done provides not only domain on the server

the directory of the primary domain`s public_html

n/t you will need to remove the domain and upload the files to public_html.

Question: Redirect is prescribed does not work How to do better, tell me

how did you do redirect?

Question: Panel
Question: Chose what site and prescribed address of the site where field
Question: And how to do a redirect from http to https?
Question: I understand that using * is better, but what works for you?

it all depends on what engine your website. in many engines there is stenna forwarding

Question: Guys. There therefore. Built-in redirects, no!Is your hosting on which I brought the domain *.*.* and he became a major! And have a domain which I tied *.* on it the website is lying and it must be shown(now it is all shows). I need on entry to *.*.* redirectio immediately *.*.WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? please

in the folder autohouse.net.ua place .htaccess to redirect to autohouse.site

Question: Does not help. In the folder *.*.* there is nothing except *

not htaccess  .htaccess

Question: Not fuck, you know! WHERE I PUT IT! Does not help. Normally help to make. I was up all night already colopus, please tell me how you can do so that would work??????

domain autohouse.net.ua doesn`t work. first you need to set up SMA domain autohouse.net.ua


Question: so what should normally write to please, I have for the night is not quite realize....???
Question: I thought it automatically do everything like your home.
Question: Can`t find where to configure the domain???

domain name Registrar

Question: So you my logger, blah!
Question: When I designed the hosting they offered me to choose a free domain, I chose *.*.* this *.* was already at me!

you filled in data for domain registration?


Question: No. And now to kill this /*.*? if you do not give it, then let`s remove, I won`t buy it!!!
Question: And can you please throw me a list of all available domain zones for \"free\" registration?

zakazat it under domains and wadjet details for registration. without the data domains are not registered , no

Question: \"zakazat it under domains and wadjet details for registration. without the data domains are not registered , no\" - I need to buy it???

you need to enter the data, this order domain

Question: Explain again!!! At registration I have read that you have free domain is given, and that`s entered something that I liked, and I thought it right to give. If I had known then you need to type the one I have, I have introduced *.* everyone and there would be no problems at all. Now the domain .*.* which depends on my hosting ALREADY PAID FOR a YEAR! I need to buy. I buy it not going! As to do so would be to UBat ` this domain account at all???

it is impossible to Remove, can only be replaced. on what domain You want to replace

Vrdp domain registration free or paid , you must provide the data, otherwise it simply will not be able zaregistrirovat domain.

Question: We can replace *.* ?

Yes, you can. afqks site will need to move to public_html.

Question: Do I move now or do you?

Move is necessary after changing the domain. You change domain?

Question: Already moved! What else you need from me?

You change primary domain on autohouse.site?

Question: YES! CHANGE!

Your primary domain changed to autohouse.site

Question: How now to return ssl ?

the Certificate you have available. You have configured a redirect to Https?

Question: Yes. I have already included in the Panel of SSL. He`ll soon be connected!?
Question: already joined. can I sent here a list of available domain zones for register you free domain? please

When you pay for ** months. you get a free domain in the zone:

  • .biz.ua, .dp.ua, .RBM .kiev.ua, .kyiv.ua, .kh.ua, .kharkiv.ua, .kharkov.ua, .khmelnitskiy.ua, .kr.ua, .lt.ua, .ternopil.ua, .vinnica.ua, .zaporizhzhe.ua, .cv.ua, .ks.ua, .sm.ua, .vn.ua, .chernigov.ua, .cn.ua, .kirovograd.ua, .lutsk.ua, .rovno.ua, .rv.ua, .sumy.ua, .volyn.ua, .zp.ua, .kherson.ua, .km.ua, .lviv.ua, .zt.ua
Question: Here on this *.*.* applied how fast it sign up and do I need anything else I can do? After I realized I need to add it to the Panel as an extra and be done with him redirect that would at this address was available from my website, right?

Fill in the registration form domain - red banner in the Billing system.

Question: Filled, when it is activated approximately? Already added in the additional domains in the panel and ordered a redirect

Oidia please have your domain registered. Within *hours.

Question: And still it is possible please send a file with access to the hosting panel and FTP to my mail *.*or here throw off, they want everything in a single file to save

Details sent to e-mail.




password billing




password billing

Question: Thanks, wait until register a domain, check that he retractile and then it will be vseee


Question: It took more than two hours, still not working. Could you tell me what might be wrong?

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: I have Linux

then there traceroute

Question: *handle*host*http://*.*.* * (* *)
Question: Here it is working now


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