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Question: Hello!I have to http://*.*/ at the entrance is popping up an additional authorization form. I understand the server.What`s the problem?


on the website http://mioby.ru/ no authorization

what is the address WEEE see?

Question: When you first log on the website. Screen http://*.*wp*/****/**/****-**-*********.*

it should be


is to protect the admin area from brute force

Question: But wasn`t there before.

it has been several years on our hosting.

Question: Okay, I understand. I hope this will not prevent the operation of the site.But I repeat - this authorization came just a few days ago. Previously it was not. That is strange.

she already * is enabled during the attack.

Question: I probably incorrectly explained. I know when and why you receive this authorization form. I meant that if there was this authorization, whether it is connected with the fact that on the website viruses, mailing, etc.*.*. The other day I replaced the problematic pattern into new, removed energy-intensive plugins, changed passwords, etc. And that after that there was an additional authorization.

no, this authorization is not tied to izmeneniya your website

Question: Clear. Thank you.


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