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Question: Hello! Can help with a problem. Installed it on site. * * script falling snow, but it does not work correctly. After removing it, some pages still displayed the snowflakes and remove traces of this script do not understand. Is it possible to make the rollback *.* on the last backup?


you did backup before izmenenyaya*

utochnyat that you have changed?

Question: No backup was done. Added a script that shows the snowflakes on the page. Then deleted the script, but in two pages somehow continue to fall snowflakes.

which files have you changed?

Question: The site files have not changed! Added to the page template of the site *.the following php script: imageDir*http://*.*/*/*/* = **;* = **;* = *;* = *;* = *;* = *;* = *;* = *;* = *;* = *;* = **;* = **;After his removal three pages of the website for reasons unknown to me continues his work

the site has kesarwani? clear the cache

Question: Help! Forgot that included caching to speed! Thank you very much! the problem is solved!
Question: The ticket can be closed!


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