Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: extended access hosting. had you a very long time now resil extend. faced with the problem of mismatched passwords to the panel.


Check the amps. now.

Question: OK everything works.what should I include in a domain of the na server? to make it work. long ago I set up a website so have forgotten where to look.

In the domain settings You need to specify:

ns*.host**.info  IP:**.***.**.*** 
ns*.host**.info  IP:**.***.**.***

the IP Address is optional. New domain settings do not take effect immediately, on average it requires *-** chasu.

Question: additional authorization in the admin area. enter the username and password specified when you install Joomla (used autothanasia yours) and can`t log in. the same username and password on the site is suitable ***%. what is the username and password you need to enter an additional authorization in the admin?

In dopolnitelnom the login window, specify the amps.:

log as admin

pas: boss

Question: Jumla Vida \"Oshibkami found that your server uses PHP version *.*.**, which is obsolete and does not receive official updates from the developers. The Joomla project recommends that you upgrade your website to PHP *.* or later that will get updates for security until at least **.**.**. Please ask your hosting provider to do PHP *.* or later, the default for your site. If your host is ready for PHP *.* turn on PHP *.* for the root of your site and admin panel – usually you can do it yourself via a hosting control panel, but it is best to ask your hosting provider if you are unsure.\"change PHP to *.* on the website I can not go. you can change it to go well?

you can install any php version in your panel will impute the choice of php

Question: I did just that. only when you put *.* the site is broken. put back *.* working again but Vidal error Jumla.

please Check now.

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