Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: When accessing the server average response time exceeds seconds*. Long loading pages difficult to work with the site.Check the server response and, if necessary, please contact your hosting provider.It`s on every website on the host

what web sites are referring to and where do You check them?

Question: Is Yandex webmaster reports https://*.ruhttps://*.ruhttps://*https://*.ruhttps://*.*

well, maybe somewhere in California it loaded *-* seconds.


discard Yandex webmaster hell, use Google analyst, where it is much more stable channels, and for example this website < / span>natalya-usanova.ru

has an index ** in the green zone is a very good indicator.

Personally, You notice the \"long answer\" any of Your sites?

Question: No everything is fine, but it says critical error the web master (((

evaluation **, this is a very high ball. a very small percentage of sites that have such estimates.

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