Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, are transferring a site from a domain * with another hosting service for the domain * to you. Website on wordpress. Copied all the engine, first of all to separate folder in the root, but couldn`t find where to bind the downloaded folder to a new domain, so moved all the contents to a folder *.html. imported your database to your server(replace * at * the instructions you gave (* SQL query), but that it is impossible to run the site. I get an error: (*). Need help. Maybe there`s instructions for setting up a website.


create amps. separate database and upload to database without changing the domain, we will process the database.

Question: Well. Let me describe what I want to, and you tell me how better to do it all. We have a website *.* hosting *. We want to create a website in a domain * and to make it basic (to migrate the database to you). Domain and * leave on * as a mirror. I need to somehow configure so that the sites were automatically synchronized. Ready imported database *** data unchanged.


Tools of sinkhronizatsii no. We can help to transfer to us. How do you plan to create a mirror site?

Question: I don`t know, we need to understand how to organize it all...

Perhaps there is a solution. but then problem that if you do sync, You database should be identichnie, and they differ.

Question: and how can you make the same database on two domains?
Question: although okay, then, let`s solve problems as they arrive. Now we have to start the site you have.

You uploaded the database without the edits?

Question: Yes I wrote

And I don`t get why one base on two sites? In the event of a breakdown you have violated two of the website and how will you fill the data into the database?


the DB fixed, the connection configured.

Question: how can I make it to work two sites? to * and *? when change in one domain was entered, and changes the second?

Pirenperone you want? But we must consider on what engine your sites. CMS WordPress?

Question: something is not working , can`t log on and to log in to the admin panel and cannot see the rest of the pages....

what are the details and what admin panel?

Question: well, for example this page http://*.*/ not loaded * files... ** errors in the console. Just can`t log into your account, click sign in, it should pop up a window where you can enter the username and password, but it is not popping up.

It is not address admin. You have a WordPress site WopdPress when you install binds to the domain name and make a redirect will not work, only areateste If you divert when you have a website is first domain name and running with it with the database, and the set of second site just happens forwarding rules to redirect the first domain name in the address bar, the address changes.

Question: Sorry, I can`t figure out what was wrong, not working website, not loaded * files. Address admin http://*.*wp*admin - not working, nothing works, second time I have completely copied the guts of the site, the first time through the archive, the second time via ftp. Please help to configure the website.

You are now currently working on https:// when working on this Protocol, all http:// are not secure and blokiruet. You have all the links to css files, etc. propisany with pristavko http:// so they are blocked. Or, write relative path or fix https://

Question: no, that`s not it, the way spelled out relative...


open the source code of the page and you will see many of usr with http:// instead of https:// .


Url is not * almost all URLS in wordpress are defined explicitly in the database



you have on the page as https that Ki http links. need nxj`d all be https.

Question: I understand correctly, replace all http to https in the source code of the website (database is not touched)

Yes, that`s right. on the website via https, all links from http modern browsers perceive as unsafe, and will not display them by default

Question: everything has changed, now all the site nothing works

PHP Fatal error: require() [<a href=`function.require`>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required `/*kalexk****https.php` (include_path=`.:/**php**/**pear:/**php**/**php`) in /*kalexk***wp-settings.php on line ***

correct the errors . from the BA Snet file /*kalexk****https.php

Question: fixed it, apparently another error is where you see these errors?

Either on the page or in the file error_log in the folder of the website.

Question: I feel so I`ll be poking around... probably will have to stay on the previous hosting... can detach domain *.*?

the previous hosting site work?

Question: Yes, it works, but there domain *

You have changed the primary domain in the database?

Question: Yes, of course, read the correspondence...

please Wait.

Question: well, only now the engine is again necessary to move, I was there all renamed from http to https....

all the errors in the error_log file in the root of Your website

Question: Yes, I have fixed all of them, do not appear new but the site has not earned

what was the last change?

Question: renamed file http.php in https.php and all the other files in the same folder that contains http. then I deleted the files .* in a couple of folders.

what is the file http.php ? now You have another error

Question: public_html*wp*http.php

what is the script?

Question: * API API https * * Standartisied http requests for WordPress. The cookie handling, encoding and decoding of gzip, a fragment of a * decoding, if https *.* and various other complex protocols https.
Question: this is a translation file header http.php
Question: a little true, it`s one of the functions in the file http.php

for wordpress dostatochnymi vodenih links in the database and redirect rules in .htaccess

Question: # *WordPressRewriteEngine*\\.php* . /*.php*WordPressЧто is there to change?
Question: you database I set up

this is the standard .htaccess wordpress

you base all the links changed?

Question: you database I set up when I set, I changed all the available *.* *.*. But you asked the database unchanged, I pumped, and you yourself have set up, and if it changed or not I don`t know.

we mean http to https

Question: about the base there was no question... You said only in the source code of the website to change...

all links from wordpress in database

Question: so now the source code of the engine change back to how it was, but based on all of the http change to https? Or is it here and there to change?

all links from wordpress in database

Question: everything changed all http: database to https:



and what were you doing before the error occurred ***?

Question: then what to change else?

what did you change before the error occurs?

Question: In General, corrected errors in *.log in kornevike website. renamed file http.php in https.php and all the other files in the same folder that contains http. then I deleted the files .* in a couple of folders. - how it has changed - no longer added to the error, deleted the file *.log. Then I added re-base, pre-replacing all references to http and domain name.

upload the original website files

Question: base left fixed?

upload database which was before your changes.

Question: all - now the base and the engine unchanged from domain *.

now make our database a replacement domain

Question: produced in the basis of replacement of the domain and replacement Protocol... does not work...

* works

Question: well, where, again, * not loaded...

open the source code of the page and check if there is http:// links, if you have then redo them at https://

Question: Hello, back again to this issue. Want to run on your host site https://*.*. There is a site on another hosting https://*.*. completely copied the guts of the website and connected database. The site works, but not loaded *, scripts, and doesn`t open the admin panel and I get the error too many redirects, delete cookies. help to understand, what the problem is. on a domain * all works without problems.
Question: the source code is the http links are https, but it is not loaded *:*: * *** ()*.*:* *: * *** ()*.*.*:* *: * *** ()*.*:* etc.

Files in a specified path is in the folders?

Question: Yes, of course

please Check now. You stood right folder *** and file permissions ***

Rights should be *** for files *** folders. 

Question: it worked, thank you, and where these rights.

In the file Manager

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