Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good evening. No sites writes *** *. Website http://*.*****.*http://*.**-*.*. Well, every week something is happening. Take a look at what`s out there.


You Have a huge load, which vyleta Apache, check amps. You do any changes on the server?

Question: No did not.

What have you accomplished on the site before it became unavailable?

Question: Yes, that`s right. Last days and time it was not.

Then what could cause such a load?

Question: Yes, I from where know?! I have no idea. As usual. The one article throwing, no. If I know exactly which website. There may be scenarios where people have driven scenarios to look for, but judging by the statistics of search engines is not much yesterday and drove. ** people behind yesterday would load in my opinion.

Updates the plugins are not performed?

Question: The last update was in ago updated the theme. But I * site with the same theme you have on another account works fine.

You can change this?

Question: Time to test? Not for long if you can because the site is all broken.

please Wait.

Question: I changed the subject.

please Check now.

Question: The website is. The theme can be back to put? Tomorrow morning probably pocitu website. Start with a new sheet


Question: Good morning. What`s happened?


vopro not clear where it happened? describe the problem in more detail. request tickets to give specific details

Question: I see no http sites://*.*****.* etc. Yesterday, even not much cleaned. He continues to put pressure on the server?

the website ukraina.****minut.info works fine, we see news site


Question: And I do not work. Overloaded and modem with different browser went to a blank page.

What kind of error you have shows?
please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Tracing route to ukraina.****minut.info [**.**.**.***]the maximum number of jumps **: * * ms * ms * ms ***.***.*.* * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.**.**.** * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.***.** * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.***.*** * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.***.*** * ** ms ** ms ** ms core**.fsn*.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms*k*.dc*.fsn*.hetzner.com [***.***.***.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms static.25.**.***.***.clients.your-server.de [***.***.**.**] * ** ms ** ms ** ms static.246.**.**.**.clients.your-server.de [**.**.**.***]Trace complete.C:\\Users\\Rusya>
Question: In Opera, a blank page in Chrome unable to access situate *.*****.* can not establish a connection.

Now the server was running a very high load because of the attack bots. Now we block the attacking bots.


please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.


please Check now.

Question: there are


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