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Question: Good day!Tell me please, is it possible to put the mysql-*.*.** on hosting? If so, could to do it. If not, you could not tell at what rate/hosting move, where it will be installed this version of mysql?


upgrade to MySql *,*, is not possible. For work MySql *,* will be required to move to another server under upravleniem the control panel cPanel. The cPanel control panel is not compatible with the ISP, so the transfer will need to do manually :(

Question: You got it, thanks!


Question: One more question:please Tell me how to configure subdomain for SSL hosting, when using a * server *?In the panel * for the primary domain, I created a CNAME record, indicating the name of the subdomain in the address pointed to main domain.In cPanel, I created an additional * domain, thus assigned the same IP address as the main.With this I still get the error - https://*.aestoken.*/Tried to create foodolini from the primary domain, the result was the same.Tell me, what am I doing wrong?

Specify a stable domain you added in the panel as optional.

Question: However, the files in the directory fill.
Question: In ISPManager? The subdomain - *.aestoken.*

please Do a trace to Your domain < / span>aestoken.com: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert < / span>aestoken.com - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: I can`t do on a normal hosting, I do not have administrator rights.

It should be done on your local computer.

Question: Sorry) not read.


Question: https://*.**** here is a screen

the ip ***.**.***.*** has nothing to do with our hosting.

do you have DNS

Name Server: adel.ns.cloudflare.com
Name Server: micah.ns.cloudflare.com

for reboot service  cloudflare.com  we do not answer

Question: I in the first post pointed it out;) the Thing is that I thought you advise what could be the problem.In the panel * I have a record for a subdomain, and tried to specify a subdomain using a Cname.Whether for me the fundamental difference, I toosday subdomain as a new domain in ISPManager, or do as the subdomain from main domain?
Question: Understood)


Question: The ticket can be closed, thanks!


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