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Question: Welcome!Forgot password sign in *. Wanted to reset the password, but for some reason not coming out. Maybe not the email address I enter?Writes the specified address does not coincide with your records. I forgot everything...What to do? how to restore access?

Details sent to

[email protected]

Question: THANK you!!!!


Question: Strangely, entering data with Your letter, but to enter CPanel can`t.Says \" Invalid credentials.\"
Question: When you reset the password enter the same box: *mail.* and nothing happens. The data do not match.

You can recover the password to the control panel in section Change password Billing noting the option \"Sync password\"panel.

Question: I don`t understand. Did everything as You said. Changed the billing password is checked on the synchronize password with the panel. Then zahozhu in billing with the new password. Next, click to enter * and then enter a name nokturne and password window enter a new password. As a result, all the same \" Invalid credentials. \"

the entrance to the bar is performed. 
Inform your IP, you can read it on the page http://www.empire-host.com/*ip.php

Question: **.***.***.***It worked by itself...Weird...

What were you doing on the website before you became unavailable panel?

Question: Oh, nothing... it Seems that the problem is in the browser. But now everything works. thank you very much.


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