Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon.Can`t login to panel
Question: apply the same passwords and logins that were sent in the mail


you had a delay on payment ** days. In case of delay of more than ** days the account is permanently deleted along with backups. We have created you account again from scratch.


Account restored from a backup. Remained in Baqubah.

Question: so I still have *** days. Don`t understand

This is today you paid the bill?

Question: no, not today. today I bought a domain through you. A paid hosting for a long time.
Question: **/****** ****** *[** months]*.* **.*$ **.*$Always paid on time

Sorry. Yes account for the domain. The mistake came in the timing. The account works.

Question: still can`t login to panel
Question: and with the domain that you bought some kind of problem, fill out the registration form again requires that kind of nonsense

Check in a ticket, we will check.

Question: *.*.* not tied to the server as if it is not

Check the registration form now please.

Question: And yet, trying panel to recover the password writes me the Specified email address does not match our records. Although the e-mail this *yandex.*

Check amps. You want to recover the password from the entrance to cPanrl?


Check amps. You want to recover the password from the entrance to cPanrl?

Question: Yes, that`s right

Details sent to [email protected]

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