Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, could you tell me my tariff plan it is possible to configure the servers in the bundle: Frontend Nginx + Apache Backend?In the ISP=> *domains will only see a bunch of *PHP*)


Nginx+Apache is the default setting

Question: Something is not working: https://*.*.*
Question: https://*.*.*/

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Tracing route to *.*.* [***.***.**.***]with the maximum number of hops **: * * * * * * * ***.***.*.* * * * * * * * ***.***.*.*** * ** * ** * ** * ***.**.*.*** * ** * ** * ** * ***.**.***.*** * ** * ** * ** **-*.*.* [**.**.***.***] * ** * ** * ** ***.**.*.* [***.***.***.**] * ** * ** * ** ****.**.**.*.* [***.***.***.***] * ** * ** * ** *.25.**.***.***.*.*.* [***.***.**.**] * ** * ** * ** *.154.**.***.***.*.*.* [***.***.**.***]Trace complete.

according to Transervice website works for you.

check .htaccess in the site folder with the forwarding rules.

esldi you put  Nginx + PHP-FPM .htaccess to raboatet will not. return cgi or Apache module. in the case of Nginx + PHP-FPM you will have to manually polnostiy to nadarivatu rules in nginx for your site

Question: The fact of the question should customize config for *. You do not do?

do not, because it refers to the administration of the website. we are not aware of osobennsoti forwarding engine to your site

Question: Clear. And for paying somebody of the admins can do it (write config **).

you need to know the structure of Opencart. we are not rabotaem with Opencart

Question: And what can be done with the server recently, all sites on it very blunt. The tests do not pass. The server response time is not less than *** - *** MS and normal *** MS.Everything I could have optimized but the server is still slow, although according to statistics the workload is not large, and the resources are there.How else can I speed up the server?

what menyalos on the website recently?

Question: Nothing except that have added new sites and filled with old.

we can check websites for viruses. also check the settings of the sites for the work with the search engines.

Question: No viruses, search engines indexed.Just very much slower, the page loads too slowly.And the amount of free space on SSD on VPS, the speed of sites?

Specify which pages.

Question: For example: https://***.*.*/

you Have only the ssd part of a large powerful server that is hosting your virtual server. So no, it does not. 

about the search engines, you need to configure robots.txt

Question: *.* like the page load speed is not affected.You may need to configure the VPS?

vps is configured initially, but you may choose to change the parameters

Question: Well, all thanks.

thank you for contacting the technical support

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