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Question: Hello!On the website https://*.aestoken.*/ an error occurs ***. Read the logs, the problem is in PHP.Could I ustanoviti*Apache*) - *.*.** (*)I guess that`s the problem.


utochnyat what the problem is php?

php version changes in the properties of the www domain

Question: The problem was that some scripts on the site do not work correctly with *.*Put as * *.* and like all loaded, works... And for Apache I could not install version * only the administrator.Here`s another question, I changed in the php file.* parameter * , put *** MB has done the same for *.But Wordpress still doesn`t allow to upload file more * MB.Please tell me where else you want to change the setting?

Specify exactly which file did you specify what folder it is located.

Question: I changed in both folders(php*php*isp*php**) the PHP file.*.Parameters *.

please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.

Question: Well, thank you.
Question: Also, you can request to include PHP*ZIP*. See that this extension is now disabled.

You ispamanager *

don`t have to manually privateproperty php.ini

you have all gorazdro easier

Vysokova to the panel as root

perehodyat in category php

choose the version You need

and there in panelit directly in the menu add or remove modules, and change configuration settings

please try

Question: Understood, thank you!


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