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<< Previous       Perenesti website at Novi domain

Question: Good day!In MENA nastupna situation:*. I want a website, that in less than lezhit on this hosting of perenapravit to Nova address - *.**. And s tsogo domain of Yakima at a time otkryvatsja site. * * to do redirect at Novi domain *.*.Pdcat, whether weasel, Yak TSE better to do? Chi che it is possible to do in one acount? Chi potrebno of semovita Novi hosting, tudi to move the website to Novi domain, but the old domain to do redirect?Thank you!


what engine website?

Question: WordPress

If I correctly understood You, You want to replace the domain in the current site is built on WP, and that the old domain redirect to the new one?

Question: All vrno. Dwellers Tsey site, that now there lezhit I VIN to VP, vdrives for new adresou and zi stare CCB *** redrect

Wordpress will have to peredelyvat. To change all the links. And if the site will be forwarding the site to work

Question: So I don`t blame pracovat. Got pracowali tilki Novi website. And from the old bootie *** redrect at Novi. From the I all. And lnci I samnu on sit. Question only in that it Chi brothers Novi hosting I on Demba perenesite VSI file I vzhe zapuskat Yogo on the new domain, Chi mozhna within tsogo account TSE to do? Ale dwellers of I redirect pratsyuvav time.

for the redirect you need EW to put paruelo redirect to the new site in .htaccess

Question: I Rozum. Ie still potreban Novi hogo hosting for the domain?

not necessarily

to add a second domain as an extra in your panel

Question: so, I added dodatkowe domain.And scho meni need to do now? Prepisati *, and in malastrana domain?I scopulate VSI files from the old domain to the new folder?

Yes, that`s right. and then in nastrojkah site to change to the new one. in the database

Question: Exx, all zrobiv wrno, but when sprab samne URLs in Novi pslo something wrong I Yak I zrozum base is now not working. Skazhit, whether weasel, Chi can wakatai SMN, if not before Tim zrobiv resewn a copy of the bazi?

Specify the database name.

Question: In less than three h - gulaoleg_bdgulaoleg_wp*gulaoleg_wp***Yak from them for scho vdova I don`t know(

Specify the domain name or path to the site folder.

Question: http://*.*/

what changes did you do on the website?

Question: Scopula VSI file, I Perens h on pdomain folder *.*Next Sychov on WordPress and there ye plan yaky samnye VSI urli in base difference, from I them I samni VSI Novi url on *.*after tsofirst stopped pracowali

please Check now.

Question: Well, that zapratsavau, ale vdata the whole structure, style, photos. all

potamu that you changed it to a new domain

change all references in the database, there Ukazat new address

Question: http://*.******Not zahoditi


see how old you have old links

looking out seopod.uk

Question: I vzhe zaputalsya residual. So all wrno, Novi lnki TSE : . *.* I I sunuva

but AIT then you have search-engine-marketing.uk , and here seopod.uk

seopod.uk  dolingo to be seopod.uk  to   search-engine-marketing.uk search-engine-marketing.uk

Question: okay, probuy then vdevice though site sumv povernuti https://*.*/ to Iittala working only on home stormchasers vers http niyak not Hoca sunati url in Novi

potamu that you have wordpress/ he has all references explicitly.

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