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Question: How to make a reservation server in the ISP*?And how to set automatic reservation?


panel menu - backup

it is configured to backup.

you have  already connected to the backup server via ftp

Question: Thank you

you can log in to panel as a user, go to - backup and start the task

Question: as using task scheduler to run a backup ? so every day at **:** backup started


in the menu bar when you log as root

there is a menu planner

the backup job there

/usr/local/mgr*/sbin/cron ispmgr sbin/backup* > /dev/null *>&*     daily          ISPmanager backup task

you can change the frequency of putting new data

Question: all the files makes a backup ? and Ozerny backup makes ? and database

this is a smo job to run the backup. he backup you set in the panel menu - backup kopirovanie. the default is an incremental backup of all data, files, databases and email

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