Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hosting was announced under Magento, in the end, the engine itself does not start.*. Tried to install automatically from Your repository. Put. but all *** error. *. Tried to download the package off.site.***. Changed php versions, enables and disables the modules. All to no purpose. What`s the problem?! Even the weak hosting, for example, *.* and it starts the first time, despite the fact that it is not designed for this engine. And you have it trapped under him, but even fails to launch?!
Question: Talking about the version *.*


At the moment You have important files in your account?

We will personagem account and repeat ustanovku.


Question: Important data are not available, can, if necessary, to remove


Question: *Adapted?!
Question: *

please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.


Where you see this message?

Question: In the error logs *** in the control panel.

what exactly is Invalid command? what command did you perform?

Question: I uploaded the magento distribution *.* and try to start. All the files on the FTP. As a result, the error *** and the message that I copied from the log.

you have a forbidden Directive in .htaccess

in htaccess should not be

php_value memory_limit ***M
php_value max_execution_time *****

there should be a single line with  php_value

php as a cgi rebate

Question: So you need to modify the system to ignore these options or to exclude from your distros engines. People come for the statements that hosting a adapted from facing these challenges. I almost * the day was spent trying to somehow understand why.but it is your right and only my suggestion. Later will try to remove these directives and will check further.

we have no distributions engines.  the hosting meets the requirements of the engine.

Question: But you provide the links to automatically install the engines directly from the control panel.
Question: You commented out these lines , still does not work
Question: Honestly, I don`t want to mess with installing on other hosts these options is valid or ignored. The same distribution is installed without problems. Do not bother with customization. Thank you for your time.

automatically ustanovleny the site is running


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