Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Moved to hosting WP website***.***.***.***\"Unable to access situate ***.***.***.*** can not establish connection.\"Rights are included, the database connection is.


what kind of website is it?

Question: ***.***.***.***/*.*

perfect-group.ua works with the servers  ***.**.**.***

Question: https://*.*This information misled the next time in which Radel, you will see the correct ip address to view ?And at ***.**.**.***, next steps ?\"*** *\"
Question: \"*.* works with the servers ***.**.**.*****-**-**** | **:**:**admin*\"I gave the path on your hosting, not a link to *.*I don`t need the ip of the server which is the website from which I suffer.

but the feature of your site does not allow you to work with him at the ip

when you open ip is still redirected to https://perfect-group.ua/ru

this is the feature of your site, you can`t access it by ip

moreover, you have a website rebate for ssl

but you will not be able to obtain a certificate for the ip, you can get a certificate only for a domain, but on the condition that he will work with the server. either you will take your certificate to the server.

the features of your website will not allow you to check it EW by ip address


Question: Test the domain names you issue ?

what engine Your website? if he for example opencrt on wordpress or on another domain it will not even start because polnotu tied to the domain where it was installed

Question: wordpressДля testing, we can copy the database and change the \"*.*\" on your test.

use for the test domain perfect*.testvps.testforhost.com.

added a domain alias to your domain on the server

Question: And the phpmyadmin panel it provides ?

provided. everything is included in the menu - features of the control panel.

now available

check out

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