Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Yesterday I added these domains:vipcard.*.*.*doktortap.*.*.*The Registrar prescribed **.VPS*.**.VPS*.*It took more than a day, the website still doesn`t open(although always for *-* hours later the site opens). Can I something not so made when adding across domains. please check

Hello. In your billing panel there is a section - management dominant vps. This section manages your DNS server. Add the domains as well, and it

Question: I chose the logged in panel (*)write There domain, for example: vipcard.****.***.***.** *gmail.*All the same, write only the domain change?PS thanks for the help
Question: Everything turned out

you do Not need to log in DNS Manager. In order to add a domain you just need to add domain in the menu billing domain management VPS. 

Question: Recently added domain *.* opens the page in the index * can`t find the folder *.*

Hello. Describe where and how you`ve added?

Question: in the billing like =) a week ago =) now when I open the website wrote the vps.*.* and * can`t find the folder to change *

And on the server in the panel you added?

Question: Yes * shows

the Problem is checked


please Check now.

Question: Good day added a domain shok.* MNJ prescribed, etc. in FTP (*) can not find this domain


utochnyat KK have you added the domain on the server?


Try resetting the domain panel, folder mesoscales

Question: VESTA>DNS>ADD DOMAIN>shok.az , ***.***.***.**https://empire-host.com/billing.php?do=dns > to Log into the panel>domain>Domain name>shok.*ip ***.***.***.**

den DNS

the domain is added under the WEB

if you added it in another tab before adding it to the WEB, remove it.

Question: Very sorry please help to add You and also is there a manual that I looked myself in the * other had not appealed on this issue to the support team

please Provide password for admin panel Vests

Question: ********- - - -adminEmiL*******I Only * came sazawal

we added

here, please see


Question: Ahh understand thank you

Thank you for contacting our support team.

Question: Good afternoon, do not tell me how to add a subdomain ?

In the ISP there is no concept of a subdomain. Add it as a domain.

Question: apologize again here in VESTA> WEB>+> I added the domain *.karaoke.* ? true I did ? if Yes then why it does not open ) thank you in Advance for your help

Yeah, right. You also need to add the domain in the Billing under Manage domain DNS server

Question: >>>Manage domains on a VPS>>>Add new domain>>>Added *.karaoke.* but something like nothing)

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - copy here in the ticket

If You experience difficulty, review the instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm



Also your domain you need to specify the DNS:


Question: Nuet same subdomain , I simply used you hosting cpanele worked right now there server is not much difficult

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - copy here in the ticket

If You experience difficulty, review the instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Good day *.*webmail error *.*.php*.*!

please Wait.


please Check now.

Question: *.*.php*.*!

what address you widget error?

Question: Strange now it works just rotala cookies and so on. cleaned and Incognita opened. In short, thank you)

Thank you for contacting our support team.


 median.az/webmail For a direct link that can be accessed. http://mail*.hosting.ua/rouncubemail/index.php 


But also opened


Question: I went to the link *.*webmail or a new domain that has najdobar *.*webmail . These links are not correct or what?

is Already running, check

Question: Yes, I saw that it works ) thank you very much. have a nice working day

Thank you for contacting our support team.

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