Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Can`t log in to control panel...

Question: please help. changed the password in your account and can`t log in to control panel...

Details sent to Atlantikk****@gmail.com

Question: Thank you. but apparently I have something with your ISP... the PC does not open my website. and with the phone open...


Question: No, still something wrong with the hosting... You don`t spend today is not what those of work ? I have not opened the site tonight... a couple of times then opened. here now again. panel http://host**.*.*:****/login/ does not open...

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\MC_AtlanT> *.*Tracing route to *.* [***.***.***.***]the maximum number of jumps **: *
Question: Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\MC_AtlanT> *.*Tracing route to *.* [***.***.***.***]the maximum number of jumps **: *
Question: Something does not come all the text
Question: EARNED

what you see at ***.***.***.*** ?

Question: Nothing.... nothing at all opens. the website was loaded and the panel opened. but again all fell

soobshaet your ip and give tracing

Question: Ip **.**.**.***

ip is not blocked

ochistyat browser cache

Question: cleaned. and incognito proveravam trace to the site my Microsoft Windows [Version *.*.****](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corp.), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Users\\MC_AtlanT> *.*Tracing route to *.* [***.***.***.***]the maximum number of jumps **: *
Question: *

and then?

Question: I`m posting a full trace... but you comes clear that...

take a screenshot and put on piccy.info

Question: how to send a text document or screen you need ?

put on piccy.info

Question: http://*.**/********/******************************/

we see that access is blocking your Internet provider, try perezagruzite router

Question: rebooted several times already...
Question: At first I thought that this is due to the fact that I changed the password from the admin shop and then personal account... then I remembered that a few hours were like minutes ** and it worked... also decided that the provider is buggy - but all sites open except * and my website

your site is too open


you uvereny that gave us true ip ?


Question: here any other site http://*.*.**/*************************/**********/*****/*******/*****.*

this website has nothing to do with us

your website rabotaet




Question: Your IP address:**.**.**.***https://*ip.*/
Question: opened the site through anonymizer... that`s just it does not work properly. gone is the module to ORDER. you cannot add product to cart

your ISP blocks access

# traceroute **.**.**.***
traceroute to **.**.**.*** (**.**.**.***), ** hops max, ** byte packets
* pan-gb-gw**-ba.lertas.com (***.***.***.*) *.*** ms *.*** ms *.*** ms
* * * *
* **.***.***.** (**.***.***.**) *.*** ms *.*** ms *.*** ms
* ae*-***.praga*.pra.seabone.net (***.**.***.**) *.*** ms *.*** ms *.*** ms
* racc.franco**.fra.seabone.net (***.**.***.***) **.*** ms racc.franco**.fra.seabone.net (***.**.***.***) **.*** ms racc.franco**.fra.seabone.net (***.**.***.***) **.*** ms
* romtelecom.franco**.fra.seabone.net (**.***.**.**) **.*** ms **.*** ms **.*** ms
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
** * * *
** * * *
** * * *
** * * *
** * * *
** * * *
** * *

Question: That doesn`t explain not the correct site... where did the modules ? why not added the product to cart ?
Question: You can roll back the password that I changed :? suddenly I was there, something changed...

what kind of modules are we talking? what you changed on the website and account?


why do you have a database name contains spaces?

Question: Quick order on the website. it I set * weeks ago! but now it`s gone...and a couple of hours ago, I got the password from the admin and from the personal area on your website
Question: I don`t know, no gaps.... now I don`t have access to it
Question: * the name of the database

you can`t call database. in the name of the database must not be any spaces.

it is impossible to give the database a name. create a database with normalisieren, without spaces

and no need to zloupotreblyat letters in uppercase

Question: So I say, no gaps * ! where is the gap ?still a month of work... You mozhete to give me back the old password ???
Question: Maybe I changed somewhere in there password .... from the database did not change...

what, you even spelled out in the config

define(`DB_DATABASE`, `dimapk_Atlantik - Moldova`); there`s even two! space


the Password you were sent with the access data in  Atlantikk****@gmail.com




Question: the database I have is called *. You sent me a new password.... and I ask you to restore the old settings BEFORE I changed them! so as I believe that I have not properly changed the password from admin (*) perhaps because this is now a problem...
Question: Now I have no access * no website...

the database is called, you have not dimapk_AtlanT   dimapk_Atlantik - Moldova

it is clear Vigne and in the panel and in the configuration file of your website. why you did namne clear but your website modet nekorrektno to work with such names.

Question: Well. wrong.... BUT UNTIL NOW IT WORKED correctly ? and nothing changed, besides changing passwords..... I have no access to the site, with Cpanel .... what can I do, so the site`s working again ??*th ask again, you can recover passwords as was ??? yesterday which was..... can?
Question: Here is how I changed the password https://*.*.*faq*/

we do not know what you have biliary. the entrance to the panel works, we send You the validated data access.

what`s the password opencart  to cpanel?

Question: Here, I was looking for how to change the password of the user...and PERHAPS something changed....How can I restore settings ??? still...Cpanel I can not open

you did a backup before the changes?

Question: Yes. The root directory and database
Question: I just can`t recover, as the panel does not open

from your Internet provider the problem with the channel

our server here https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/***.***.***.***

and trace the access you have interrupted here


your email provider problem  with the channel. if they don`t fix, we can offer peristiwa account of nanash server in another data center.


Question: I month not sleeping, poking around this site...I would not like to lose data....

what data? account is transferred entirely with all the data

Question: I get your point... but I`m pretty sure that`s not the provider...Tell me, do you have access to my database ? You might not be able to put my old password as here on the instructions https://*.*.*faq*/*. In the column Function select **. In the Value column change the numbers on need a password or take it with * service passwords.put the password that was ********. I think the access I had to limit protection therefore, and when I changed the password, changed some encryption....because the website is now running correctly... as I said, gone row ORDER ( from module ) product cannot be added to cart ...
Question: All.. I did. I anonimizer through and fix everything

but what is it if not the provider?

our server here https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/***.***.***.***

and trace the access you have interrupted here



why you changed your passwords?

Question: Like I said. I changed the password is not there... apparently the database has changed... many had access to the site... I decided to change the passwords - but in the rush - naturalizer... thanks and sorry for potrachennoe time

the database no password no, base can`t be password. password  database does not exist.


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