Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Give me a test domain. so I could go and testiclesvas website

Hello. Please create a test domain in your billing panel. Left in the column may be to create a test domain. 

Question: also can I change the rate *-* the * month

you should the rate of LINE-*

Question: vslice me the data for ftp connection

Details sent to slavakruk****@gmail.com

Question: what error????\\mysql_escape_string(): *mysql_real_escape_string*. *public_html*mysql.php* ***
Question: *: mysql_escape_string(): *mysql_real_escape_string*. *public_html*.php* **
Question: *: mysql_escape_string(): *mysql_real_escape_string*. *public_html*mysql.php* ****: mysql_escape_string(): *mysql_real_escape_string*. *public_html*mysql.php* ****: mysql_escape_string(): *mysql_real_escape_string*. *public_html*.php* **

this error says that the site used php function of ustarevshih not working with modern versei php

ornamenti php version to an older panel in menu - vybivanii php

Question: not vosproizvodit audio. how to solve???

How do you play audio and where the audio files?

Question: I go to the audio files click to vosproizvesti. and does not want.file downloaded to */*

you have audio file hosting? you can`t do that

Question: and nachem?????
Question: I merged here the site itself.and just uploaded the music. and it is not vosproizvodit

Placement of files for direct download against the rules. Place the files on third party services. Remove the audio or the account will be blocked.

Question: just take sign up on the website. and look like that.I don`t distribute the files for download. I have a normal SOC. network. for communication
Question: here is a screen: https://*.*********

ie do you think that that would vosproizvesti the music she downloaded?

Question: no. it is not downloaded.I just need to just vosproizvodimost
Question: the screenshot is shown

you`re seriously schitate that playback is not downloading? unfortunately I must disappoint You, no download, no play can not be. all what you watch or listen through the browser are always downloaded on your computere. be it music from youtube ilibalyk they always downloaded on your computer. so the rules of the hosting of prohibited music and video with servers hosting. you deligny to place media content on third party servers and to use only player with these sources

Question: clear


Question: not displayed sitoto to do???


what kind Of domain is it?

Question: http://*.**.testforhost.*/

You have an error in your template:

/home/intelcom/public_html/system/classes/templates.php on line ***

try  isprite or install a different template.


You have an error in your template:

/home/intelcom/public_html/system/classes/templates.php on line ***

try  isprite or install a different template.


you Have errors:

[**-Dec-**** **:**:**] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/intelcom/public_html/system/classes/templates.php on line ***

[**-Dec-**** **:**:**] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/intelcom/public_html/system/classes/templates.php on line ***

Fix them.
Question: if you can, can you fix it???

What did you change in this file?

Question: I Neche not changed. I really can`t understand why this error displays. all the code is correctly written.

Specify what version of php should work site?

Question: all the sections are working. that`s only when you press oshie astronimical.Failed to connect to database! *user*localhost*: *)

you have no polzovatelya nicesay

edit the configuration file

Question: here is the configuration file

you have OA all configuration files are written the data?

Question: found and changed. now atoosa settings&#*****;*.* * *`no means Vbase table

Yes, you have a database dump?

Question: dump no
Question: //* Read all languages *// $root_dir* = scandir(`./lang/`); foreach($root_dir* as $lang){ if($lang != `.` AND $lang != `..` AND $lang != `.htaccess`) $for_select_lang .= str_replace(`value=\"`.$config[`lang`].`\"`, `value=\"`.$config[`lang`].`\" selected`, ``); } //Open site require `system/offline/connect.php`; $sql= \"SELECT * FROM `\". PREFIX.\"_podpishiki`\"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() .\"
\". $sql*mysql_fetch_assoc* .= \"\"; $* .= \"\".$*email`].\",\"; $* .= \"\"; }
Question: which columns should be contained in a database of subscribers???

sorry did not understand You. we do not know what Taim should be Stolbtsy.

did you move or installed the site from scratch?

Question: bore but there is no table *

specify Oddo you were transferred? we can help with the transfer.

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