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Question: Hello, do not prompt why can not work * for *.*? In your apache configuration, prescribed * *.*.* and DNS also have a record of *.*.*, but let`s say *.*.* not available(before migration all worked, the case in the server settings)

Hello. Please specify where you vestli data. You need to make another DNS severe. Panel of DNS servers in your billing - domain management vps. You need to log in DNS Manager.


Hello. Please specify where you vestli data. You need to make another DNS severe. Panel of DNS servers in your billing - domain management vps. You need to log in DNS Manager.

Question: Found, there is only *.*, and there is no where to add wildcard, perhaps the problem is not with *

There you have to enter DNS Manager , select a domain and add records

Question: Yes, I understand, I don`t need to add another * record, I need to make subdomains like *.*.* were redirected to*. * this wildcard is called, but for some reason on this server it does not work
Question: Well, actually the entry kind *.*.* is not registered in DNS Manager

You hotite to a subdomain?

Question: No, the subdomain is slightly different, the subdomain scattered in different directories, and I need to have all requests with subdomains off of one domain *.*, maybe I`m not explaining it right, but I need a * type *.*.*

Then you need to create a rule redirect in the file .htaccess and opravdati all requests to subdomains to your main domain. Would you accept that?

Question: Yeah, I kind of did all the apache*.* prescribed * *.*.* and put *
Question: This .* now what lies at the root *.* worked on the previous server

please Wait.


In the folder of the website < / span>moshotels.club only the standard file .htaccess with the redirects. What are the rules you specified in the previous server?

Question: The server with cpanel, there is a functionality that allows sub-domains to specify *.*.*

please Wait.


entry amended

Question: Thank you very much


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