Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day!Please send us to site. * * data for ftp access:FTP server:username:Password:Thank you!PS: ftp.*.*/ password **** do not fit !

*. add as an additional domain in the control panel

*. Website files upload to the directory specified when you create the domain
http://ded**.net/ aid for use panel

Question: We need just the data on FTPftp.*.* - it gives an error:unable to find server name ftp.*.*: Name or service not known

domain center-ed.com with our hosting doesn`t work, you can`t use a domain name correct connection to our server

*. add as an additional domain in the control panel
*. Change the DNS on the Registrar`s site
*. Website files upload to the directory specified when you create the domain
http://ded**.net/ aid for use panel

ns*.host***.org IP:**.**.*.**
ns*.host***.org IP:**.**.*.**

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