Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: The site does not work*. *.

please Check now.

Question: Works Thank You!! What happened?

System overload protection block account for their excess. sites Your create a very large overload that danoje beyond the regular hosting, You need VPS
We launched the account, but to ensure that in the future will not be like I can`t.

Question: VPS I`ve tried on another hosting , fret with my website was not given. So I don`t know how to be .
Question: as I exceeded the limit?
Question: And what`s my limit?

the Limit is the same for all rates - * * CPU % and memory with as had difficulties on the VPS?

Question: did not operate as expected, do not remember the details.
Question: **$ expensive for my website, it doesn`t bring a penny to be honest.

VPS* worth $**. What you have located on the site?

Question: information portal about satellite TV.

This is a forum?

Question: no
Question: it is planned at the end to make for each city, where to buy,renovate,install a satellite dish or the Internet.+ data about satellites ,news,changes and so on.
Question: Including countries of the former USSR.


Question: Let it be the price of old , but we`ll see. Thank you.
Question: I just do not understand what can be a load if hits not so much to swing anything not my only look)) may have with the site to do something?

Optimize your scripts. Create load scripts.

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