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Question: day Dobrynin * located at ***.***.***.***, mx has the same address.Mail comes with ***.***.***.***The problem is that these two addresses are listed with blackliste:***.***.***.**** ***.***.***.****Frustrating that the address in spamlist. If memory serves, when I checked the hosting was the choice of the Ukrainian area, and I chose Ukrainian server, expecting that he will not be spamlist... I plan in the future to use their email and need, something came each letter to the recipient and the presence of spamlist unacceptable.How is it possible to solve this problem? Sincerely,Eugene

Hello. It`s shared hosting and there is no guarantee that the ip will not be nahoditsya black page. To ensure the absence RW black page modet only personal vps server, where you will be the one on the server. 

Question: vps is not an option, the extreme case of dedicated IPS, when I chose a site I chose a Ukrainian and not Czech site to avoid getting into spamlist. there is a possibility to change the server (shared hosting) , without changing the tariff ?

Yes , of course. Now we take You live to the server

Question: but you can first address ) ?


Question: also in spamlist...only one Ukrainian, the other to choose not?if not, well, sites * less than ***, take it, I will try to remove with barracudas

applications for exclusion are served regularly. it`s shared hosting on it are different sites. someone special could send spam, who  that is not watching the website and it was hacked

specify when we can start the transfer

Question: you can start right now, but if a dedicated Ip which can be rooms? there is a choice?

ip addresses shared, not dedicated. dedicated ip for mail is not available


Details sent to [email protected]

you can change DNS

account moved

Question: okay, and if you want ssl for your site - a dedicated ip necessary? in General, can be?

no dedicated ip

enough to upgrade to ssl and all your sites will be ssl

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