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Question: want to watch the mysql log for the last two days

Hello. such a log, no

Question: may I know how many times appealed to this file for the last * day of public_html*leapzip*.*api*.php


please Wait, the request is sent to the administrator.


monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"
monitoring.myphotosreviews.ru:**.***.***.*** - - [**/Dec/****:**:**:** +****] \"POST /photosolutions.com/api/delete_photo.php?t=**** HTTP/*.*\" *** ** \"-\" \"Dalvik/*.*.* (Linux; U; Android *.*; Redmi Note * MIUI/V8.*.*.*.NCFMIED)\"


other information


C ** December ** treatment for ** Dec ** references.

the Log available to you in the /logs folder

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