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Question: good day, moved the website to your server. it used to be indexed on https . But now only use http when entering the https redirection is needed .* I have configured but still https://*.*.*/ - offers ISP* - what to do?)


have you installed the certificate?

Question: no. the site was formerly with the certificate, and now no. just when through the results follow the old indexed pages entry is https

you have a certificate installed on the domain already on the server?

if not then install it.

in the domain properties

Question: I have not installed the certificate, but it is not needed by the client - it don`t pay for it) I just need that https was forwarding in each domain that ask for example, if https://*.* the redirection will again be in ISP)

https works only if you have certificate. if the certificate is not then redirect nick will be

install a free sertifikat panel and only after that can nastroit forwarding

Question: put the check where the certificate but still redirected in the ISP

specify  where did you Park?


at https://mebelgrom.ru/ opens the website, not the panel, and the

Question: does not work for some reason to set up a redirect from https to http for domain *.* - it was previously indexed with https as it were *, we are currently working without a certificate - and if people come via a search engine then the website they error out https

Because you have the search engine written https, You need to set up a redirect from https to normal http.

Question: it is clear, the search engine indexed the old site, and https is run. I need to set up a redirect in .* that would be when entering the https was redirecting to http
Question: *} ^***$ [*HTTPS* ^(.*)$ http://*.*/$* [*=***,*]prescribe - but it`s not working

Clear the browser cache.

Question: Yes, different computers have tried

our redirect is working.

Question: https://*.* when you open redirectet http://*.* ?

page http://mebelgrom.ru/nashi-uslugi

Question: so, at the opening of the second pages redirect goes. but https://*.*/ main figure :(

you Have multiple links to https, edit them all. Now the main opens but with no styles

Question: without styles as https if you open with http then everything will be OK

Specify the settings .htaccess

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=***]

Question: if you specify as you write - then it will redirect with https

you have the links listed in the website ?

Question: what are the links?
Question: https is not, I repeat, the site was formerly with https Protocol indexe *. we project remade in wordpress and now the site should be non-https Protocol, but people who still go through the search engine fall in https since the site was indexed by s. I need https if a client came in was *** redirect to http . for the second pages are all set, but that face is not redirected

the site was established at https://mebelgrom.ru/  or http://mebelgrom.ru/  ?

Question: http://*.*/

try this code

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^***$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://test.com/$* [R=***,L]

replacing the domain name to your

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