Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello, I installed on the server is very old version * , can I upgrade and how to do it, and can I install other packages via * command or something different?


you Have root access to the server?

Question: Yes I have the admin password, but how to do it via command line, what commands to use?

please Specify exactly what you want?

Question: need to run a server-side script located at/home/nikkost/web/english-rooms.com/server.PI run from the console> *.*there is a bug, although locally I have everything working, I suspect that not enough modules what for Kapuskasing:*(**);^^^^^*: *. *.*.*:***:**) *.*.*..*.*:***:**) *.*.*:***:**) *.*.*.*:***:**) *.*.*.*:***:**) *.*:***:**) *.*:***:*

the js is not server Sanai. js runs in the browser

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