Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon. With the holidays! I have a question-problem.Uploaded WordPress and plugins. The site does not show up at all:there`s this inscription: *workingsipartnership.*handle*.WordPress produces this:*. *WordPress.*. *.Please see what happened.WordPress new I rebooted already. Does not help.Sincerely, Milan*


What changes did you make on the website and account?

Question: I uploaded WordPress and everything was fine. Dealta topic was. Then I downloaded two plug-ins that are bought today: *WordPress*and *Membership*WordPress* After this dealta topic is missing. I uploaded another *.But its default theme is displayed. WordPress said that the problem with the server.But I will write to the developer of these *x paid plugins.

Try from the very beginning but install the plugins one at a time and check the topic.

Question: Thank you. I`ll try again.


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