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Question: I have * links - automatic download that is, if their in a browser, enter the file immediately starts swinging, the question is what is it possible to download Kron schedule these files and upload them to a specific folder on the server?
Question: or program which has this functionality and even better to be rocked then archived and then uploaded to a folder

Hello. Kron is just an alarm clock. he can neither swing nor run , nor segregate. we know he runs the team that you pointed out to him in indicating  time

programa \"browser\"  which download files , you already used this wget

Question: well, I understand it http://*.*.***.php*token=******************************&*=*so here is the link *http://*.*.***.php*token=******************************&*=*\"he`s just shakes, but where? as a way to assign? is there a possibility to archive?

read , You may help examples


Question: *.*php*.*public_html*http://*.*.***.php*token=******************************&*=*\"that`s what I was able to mastrocicio to my understanding, this command should do shadowdensity file , rename it to *.* and upload in the folder/*. php*.*public_html*/please tell me the correct command ? how to archive * document

write a script in which there turns the command will be executed. check it in the console. then in the crown, specify this script is run

Question: I do not know how to start this link and will check on the case

You can vypolnit command in the console logged in via ssh and see the result. It makes you more comfortable analizirovat the work of the team

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