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<< Previous       To change PHP version and encoding

Question: Hello. I have to install Bitrix required version of PHP is not lower *.*.*, now the current value *.*.**. Need encoding *-*. How do I set these values? My rate - \"BITRIX - *-*\"

Hello. To change the php version in the properties of the www domain. Utf* is PL default

Question: Thanks, changed the version of PHP and encoded everything is OK now swears that there is no support for sessions is Probably the directory used to save session parameters that are not writable

the Domain is running from our server?

Question: Yes

can you provide a link to the page where you can see the problem

Question: the problem occurs during the installation of Bitrix, in the process of pre-testing server, so there is no link, there is a screenshot - http://*.****

the question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.

Question: perhaps this is due to the fact that in order to change the version of PHP I had to choose it *?
Question: When to expect news?We have interrupted the installation of the product.

we check error, this should not be


please Check now.

Question: Totally agree that this should not be. But why....

please Check now.

Question: Thank you, fixed!
Question: Everything is OK now. Thank you.

Thank you for contacting our support team.

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