Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good afternoon.Want to order hosting for single domain Magento*VPS*.What are our actions?You will need some prior configuration?Or hosting will be completely ready to upload your site?


you want to order another server?

Question: We understand, because on the current server installed Bitrix environment, the magento installation is not desirable, right?

Yes, Bitrix environment ustanovil something other than Bitrix difficult. also, do not Bitrix environment there is no normal mail

Question: In that case, Yes, I want to order a new server.

Make amps. new account order new VPS server, VPS server unable to pay immediately or we mgam to issue him the test period. 

Question: Registered a new account.Login: *Please execute the test period.Thank you.

Expect the amps. the server is configured, upon completion of the work, Your Inbox will be sent, Pisa with the data for access. All subsequent questions on the new VPS amps. create the new ticket from a new Bank account.

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