Possible solutions of your questions

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the Files are now in the public_html folder is already migrated the website?

Question: so, but I don`t know Chi VIN database without Danny to start

please Tell me where is the configuration file of your website.

the previous hosting * databases, they will suffer

Question: not to CNCA orts stosovno tsogo scho got booty in this fail confgures ?

what cms is written in your website? This file contains certain database, user login and password, which operates a web site

Question: vsnu. So Yak is not I TSE Robin

the site gives a database error? Turn off the current screenshot and run it

Question: website without Smsok on KHTML

In the past hosting have another website navna.design it is written in cms word press its configuration file wp-config. This website needs to be migrated?

Question: Yak I Rozum then no problems of budab Bo I vzhe all perezaliv, it is only ftbase from the Domain, and from you writing in fnansowe service about transferring the domain to you

Yes, until the issue is decided in the fin.Department, domain transfer, You can check the site performance to keep the hosts file, such an entry

***.***.***.*** happydesign.pro

***.***.***.*** www.happydesign.pro


In the past hosting have another website navna.design it is written in cms word press its configuration file wp-config. This website needs to be migrated?

Question: *.* also required

You need help moving your files and database?

Question: ***.***.***.*** I don`t Baciu the web site if perehodim

In the browser you need to type the name of the website happydesign.pro and the entry in the hosts file will redirect it to Your new server. It is better to clear the browser cache 

Question: Yak I moju perevet domain really working ?

please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - copy here in the ticket

If You experience difficulty, review the instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: for the butt folder : * I won hostingu on old and on new ale vmtime I pobachiti not mozhu (where I ndex file)
Question: Also animacja s website snicla, poperednica hosting won Bula
Question: Microsoft Windows [Version **.*.*****.***](c) Corporation Microsoft (Microsoft Corporation), ****. All rights reserved.C:\\Program Files\\VCG\\MeshLab>tracert happydesign.lurasidone route to happydesign.pro [**.***.**.**]the maximum number of jumps **: * * ms * ms <* MS INMANS-AIRPORT- [**.*.*.*] * * ms * ms * ms **.**.**.** * ** ms ** ms * ms Core***UbbV**.uar.net [***.**.***.**] * * ms * ms * ms ***.**.***.*** * * ms * ms * ms ***.**.***.*** * ** ms * ms ** ms **-***-***-***.ip.ukrtel.net [***.***.***.**] * * * * Timed out for the request. * * ms * ms ** ms gw-uh-utel.uh.com.ua [**.***.**.***] * ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.**.** ** ** ms ** ms ** ms **.***.**.**Trace complete.C:\\Program Files\\VCG\\MeshLab>


Here is a screen that is displayed when brasenia to this folder


what kind Of animation is it? There was only one screenshot on the original site and also it remains


happydesign.pro [**.***.**.**] it`s Your server

Your IP serere


Also ustanovleny not our NS records, doljny life


Question: SIV the line, the other bulbashki I can still bully some bazi dannih led Asan ?


You can check with the administrator or developer of the site, as was tied all the bases, because this is not a standard cms


Question: okay thank you
Question: ale then wonderfully chomu animacia have snicla if the website Dali led`yazanyy to poperechnogo hosting

Soobshaet please reply or about a scheme for customized access databases. Themselves database files copied


You didn`t change anything on the original hosting? Initially there was no animation, now it is.

Can you upload the site, but opyatzhe need to understand how to set up connected to databases

Question: Power stosovno why, Vaughn stopped pracovat, required completion vdevice robot pdcat Yak TSE to do ?


please Describe in detail what exactly doesn`t work receiving or sending. How do you send or receive email

Question: not coming notification. sarestoniemi in G Suite from gmayl

Send email to Inbox from: https://www.mail-tester.com

Let us know the link checks.

Question: TSE those scho I don`t know Nisou ale de enter Dann https://*.google.*/******?*in all Posta *

the MX records need to make in the section of the Zone Editor


Question: Scho I may lead ? Vanasthali cyclopolitain*domain*

All that they specify in their list.

the Screen filled with the first line from your link



Question: zapomniv vchora R **,** at once has not working on Gmail Posta can perevet TSE duzhe it`s important dwellers tomorrow zaprzala all

Send email to Inbox from: https://www.mail-tester.com

Let us know the link checks.

Question: meni treba depravity s gmayl servs ?

the Islands have to send as you normally would.

Question: https://*.mail*.***Posta is not working

* if you received a report a link to which You gave the mail works for You.

* ip  **.***.**.*** belongs google https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/**.***.**.***  with this ip you send mail, this is not the ip of the hosting and the hosting ip  not relevant

* according to the report ip   google is in a black list. this may be the cause of blokirovki receipt of poci some postal services

Question: Yak TSE of vypravit, poperednica hosting all pratsyuvala

the problem is not about hosting. is the problem only with google/ what is google`s ip blacklisted from hosting independent. e mail you on google, not on hosting. from hosting not depends on what google`s ip  to someone Cherng lists. you need to write to google tech support that they would exclude your ip from the blacklists


you can also unsubscribe from email google and translate job mail servers mail hosting

Question: Ale chomu after Yak mi porasli s hogo hosting on your in the day no longer pracowali Posta, same in the day, you want to skazati scho MC spitalny I came in that day Yogo zablokowali ?
Question: we need G od Posta Suite

email works for you. if the mail did not work you would not be able to send anything. and so you send.  but we`re not moreim to answer for what server googlt not be in someone`s black list.


that kzhe please send the test service normal the real letter. not just a blank email with the recording test and the normal letter

Similar message reported on Pyzor (http://pyzor.org)
Please check the real content, a test mailing is always marked with Pyzor
Adjust your message or query white list (http://public.pyzor.org/whitelist/)

Question: https://**.*.*/****/*/**/***************************-*.*in panel we have introduced so

it`s all spelled out , otherwise you might not have anything to send. but you send. mail works for you.

Question: ale I I before writing the Yak you have for hosting mg otpravlyali ale otrisovat not mg

you can now send. you`re sent to test. so the mail works. why did you decide that the mail does not work for you?

Question: VI moved everything dansait http://*.*.*.*/VIN takozh znahoditsya on poperednica hosting
Question: I pdominy https://**.*.*/****/*/**/***************************.*

need to Migrate all the sites and subdomains that were on the previous account?

You wrote only one.



Also You`re all copied, just said to check here.

Cannot connect to FTP on past hosting, please temporarily restore access to the last hosting we fill it with all the files themselves.


Question: there is not paid, I skasuvav s hosting, flooded I`ll text you


Question: I Bay in the folder * two argue

please Clarify. You need to configure another domain navna.design

And Subdomains shown in this screenshot?

You learned how to connect database for Your cms to enable the animation?

the data that was previously drenched in public_html you can remove?

Question: so takozh Yogo trebate privyazan meni said scho TSE Prosti html website without a database, that do not know chogo not working animacja(so can vidalet if you h moved

Expect please set up all over again from the Archives


Set domain navna.design

* * sub-domains happytest.in.ua

To test write these lines in the hosts

***.***.***.*** navna.design

***.***.***.*** arhy.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** bow.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** bow.res.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** happysite.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** hbce.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** mymeal.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** omnomnom.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** turbines.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** tris-land*.happytest.in.ua

***.***.***.*** tris-land*.happytest.in.ua

Either at the domain Registrar`s website and set our NS records.




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